Mindfulness, Nutrition, & Fitness
Mindfulness Challenge Day 10: Mindful Exercise
Mindfulness Challenge Day 10: Mindful Exercise
Mindfulness Challenge Day 9: Mindful Eating
Mindfulness Challenge Day 9: Mindful Eating
Mindfulness Challenge Day 8: Take a Breath
Mindfulness Challenge Day 8: Take a Breath
Mindfulness Challenge Day 7: There is Power in Mindful Prayer
Mindfulness Challenge Day 7: There is Power in Mindful Prayer
Mindfulness Challenge Day 6: It’s not Selfish to Make Yourself a Priority
Mindfulness Challenge Day 6: It’s not Selfish to Make Yourself a Priority
Mindfulness Challenge Day 5: Celebrate Every Win
Mindfulness Challenge Day 5: Celebrate Every Win
Mindfulness Challenge Day 4: Conscious Reflection
Mindfulness Challenge Day 4: Conscious Reflection
Mindfulness Challenge Day 3: Filling your “Bucket” thru Inspirational Readings
Mindfulness Challenge Day 3: Filling Your Bucket thru Inspirational Readings
Mindfulness Challenge Day 2: The Power of Affirmations
Mindfulness Challenge Day 2: The Power of Affirmations
Mindfulness Challenge Day 1
10 Day Mindfulness Challenge: Daily Practices for a healthier mindset, being in tune with YOUrself, and being present in the moment. =)
Transformation Thursday
It all begins with YOU.
Mindful Monday
It all begins with MINDSET.
Nutrition 101
Nutrition….what goes into the body is key to how you feel.