Mindfulness Challenge Day 1
Part of me wants to just jump right into the mindfulness practices, but I think that it is important to first, lay a foundation of what mindfulness is, the history, and the important part it plays in our daily lives.
Mindfulness has been around for over 2500 years and was introduced into the western world by Professor Jon Kabat-Zinn at the University of Massachusetts in the late 1970’s. He created a stress-reduction program that was based on mindfulness. From there, mindfulness exercises, mindfulness therapies, mindfulness coaching, etc. began infiltrating the therapy realm.
Mindfulness is a practice (meditation) where one focuses on being fully aware of what they are feeling in the moment. This is done without judgement, patience, openness, trust, acceptance, and letting go. Mindfulness is important because it not only heals, and reduces many health challenges, but also because it trains our brains to be in tune with our thoughts and emotions. This is very important and beneficial to the state of mind of which we find ourselves in, in each moment. When we train our brains to be mindful, it becomes more natural as time progresses.
So for today, I encourage you to begin with a simple mindfulness practice (below) that will bring awareness to your thoughts, emotions, and feelings. It is a practice that can be done in any setting and at anytime. Bring attention to YOU, breathe, rest, and just be. If possible, set a goal to do it more than once. =)
Mindfulness Practice #1:
Sit in a comfortable position with your back straight.
Put your feet flat on the floor and your hands in your lap.
Relax, close your eyes and bring your attention to your body and the present moment.
Take a deep breath in through your nose and out through your mouth. (3 times)
Allow your breathing to find it’s own rhythm.
Ask yourself, “What is my purpose for today?”
Follow with an affirmation such as, “Today, I will be patient, loving, and kind.”
End with three more deep breaths and then open your eyes.
Be intentional in your purpose and affirmation of the day. Remember to check in with yourself, give yourself grace, and celebrate your wins!