Mindfulness Challenge Day 6: It’s not Selfish to Make Yourself a Priority
If you love YOUrself first, like the love you give and show to others, you are practicing self-preservation. Loving YOU first is not selfish. It is a priority that will allow you to care for others without growing weary. We often hear it called “self-care”, which is necessary to live a long life full of happiness and a passion for waking up daily with an attitude that says, “I am ready for whatever the day may bring my way!”
There is a quote by Lelah Delia that reads, “Self-care is how you take your power back.” This couldn’t be more true.
Think about it. If we are constantly pouring ourselves into others without taking the time pour into ourselves first, we will eventually feel a sense of “burnout”, right? Self-care….for your mental health is a priority and should never be put on the back burner.
On this Saturday, take time to shower yourself in self-care. Don’t let the day, weekend, or even next week pass by without giving yourself permission to pause and replenish your mind, body, and spirit with self-love.
It can be playing your favorite music while cleaning, but stopping in between to take “dance breaks”. It could be putting on a relaxing clay/mud mask, cucumbers over your eyes, and your feet in a deluxe foot spa while playing light music. Or it could be going outside and taking a 5 mile run or hike.
Whatever self-care looks like for you, DO IT! Time will always pass by. It won’t stop. And it’s not that you don’t have the time, but you have to choose a moment IN time to make YOUrself a priority.
Love yourself first today and always,
~Coach Ashley