Mindfulness Challenge Day 4: Conscious Reflection

Meditation, affirmations, and intentional reading led the first three days of our challenge. Each challenge is designed to flow and gradually build into a sustainable routine that we can incorporate into our daily lives. It is designed to produce conscious efforts of being aware of our thoughts, words, actions, and simply….being in the moment.

Research tells us that it takes approximately 66 days for a new behavior to become automatic. In order for this happen, we must be deliberate in how we go about it. We must willingly put forth the effort to add, change, or remove some things to make it “fit”. And if we miss the target, we pick ourselves up and get right back on track. Success doesn’t just happen. It is learned and it takes practice. The key is staying focused and alert.

This brings me to today’s challenge; conscious reflection. Conscious reflection calls for examining ourselves within, also known as self-reflection. Examples of ways to self-reflect are:

  • Journaling

  • Taking a walk outside in nature

  • Meditating

  • Setting a timer and writing down everything that comes to mind

  • Tracking your emotions and feelings

  • Goal setting

Conscious reflection gives us a greater sense of self, improves decision making skills and relationships with others, and is an important piece to growing as a person. It allows us to look into the past, be in the present moment, as well as look into what’s coming next.

Take a moment today to discover and bring light to the things that need attention. Dig deep and reflect. Embrace every part of yourself and use this opportunity to your advantage. This is the next step into building healthy and mindful habits.

Make today amazing,

~Coach Ashley


Mindfulness Challenge Day 5: Celebrate Every Win


Mindfulness Challenge Day 3: Filling your “Bucket” thru Inspirational Readings