Mindfulness Challenge Day 7: There is Power in Mindful Prayer

  1. Acknowledge

  2. Express Gratitude

  3. Surrender

  4. Create a Space for Acceptance/Receiving

  5. Ask for guidance

  6. Express Gratitude (Again)

These six steps are a format for mindful prayer. Prayer is an opportunity to connect spiritually. It is an important part of mindfulness because it fosters our faith, intentions, and sets a foundation to receive blessings.

To be honest, when some individuals hear the word “prayer”, they immediately shut down, turn away, or run in the opposite direction. Maybe it was a negative past experience, the feeling of never being heard or having prayers answered, or maybe even shame that hasn’t allowed it to happen. No matter what it is, it is never too late to let go of the past and start/try again. There is POWER in PRAYER!

If you are reading this today, I challenge you to open your hearts, minds, and spirits to mindful prayer. You don’t have to have the “right” words to say nor do you need a script. No one prayer is the same. Just be YOU and allow the words to flow from within. You can pray out loud, quietly to yourself, or in your head. All that matters in this moment is that you are willing and open to do it. The rest will come and the power behind prayer will show itself in time.

Have faith and surrender all worries, fear, anxiety (_______fill in the blank here)…all of the things that hold you captive from being free.

Make today amazing,

~Coach Ashley


Mindfulness Challenge Day 8: Take a Breath


Mindfulness Challenge Day 6: It’s not Selfish to Make Yourself a Priority